Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire Review

I still remember that bulky Bhagwan dada moving his booties in the song "Naam bade aur darshan chhote",Slumdog Millionaire is a film which gives soul to this song.
The film is about a guy from slums of Mumbai who in a process to find his lady love participates in a Millionaire quiz show and gets trapped to prove that how he knew all the answers provided he comes from a slum.
The film has a beautiful heart with a bundle of scenes which depicts the creativity of the Diretcor like the one in which little Jamal dives in a pond of shit to get an Amitabh Bachhan autograph,most of the scenes in the movie make you realize that how far behind we are with the real world and how in every sense we still enjoy this and dont want to elope out of it.
Coming to the cast, the film comprsises max of of fresh faces along with the talented bollywood faces like Anil kapoor,Irfan khan and Saurabh Shukla.The films protagnist Jamaal malik steals the show in all the 3 roles played by 3 different characters in each phase of his life with the small kid stealing the show.
The only thing about the film which can pinch many of die hard bollywood followers like me is the snail like pace the movie has which takes you off at many moments making you check your watch is functioning or not and literally drags you out of the theatre for a tea.
Slumdog Millionaire is not an extra ordinary film,its a film you most often watch in bollywood. The Oscar & Globe branding accounts for its extra 2 stars which many of the critics has given it.This film will best be liked by the audience who are alien to relaity of life and feel proud that they are not a part of them.
In the end I give Slumdog Millionaire a 2.5 out of 5 and an ek baar dekh lo rating.Watch it for the little Jamaal and his friends,I am sure you will like him.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome review... Tells what evey other critic has missed - reality. It is really not such an outstanding film as it is made out to be. All the oscar nominations and Golden Globes maybe just due to the fact that the fair skinned brothers and sisters in other countries can jeer at the 'real india' dished out to them from a british national. It does celebrate the ability of any average indian to smile in the toughest possible living conditions. We Indians have seen it all and maybe some have done it all, so we may find it just another movie. All the hype and hoopla around the movie may just be due to the multiple nominations it got in all the awards category. 5 out of 5 for the review and 3 out of 5 for the movie. As pointed out by the critic watch the movie for the young Jamal. Awesome performance.
